Food Truck Beratung
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Start Your Own Food Truck now!

This guide takes a holistic approach to help you turn your idea of owning your own food truck into reality. You will discover all important skills that a successful food trucker needs.

Starting a Food Truck in Germany Made Easy

On 245 pages, you will learn all about the highs and lows of life as a food trucker. I'll give you an open and honest account of the knowledge I've acquired in more than 7 years

I also had to learn the hard way and would like to show you how you can do better.

Get the Book

You will find answers for the following questions (content):

  • What does starting up and being self-employed in the food truck business mean?
  • What obligations and requirements must a food truck fulfill?
  • What licenses and certificates are required to operate a food truck?
  • Which legal forms are suitable for a food truck business?
  • How can you finance a food truck and what funding options/subsidies are available?
  • What taxes do you have to pay and how can you avoid the big start-up trap?
  • Which insurance policies do you need to take out and which ones make sense?
  • How do you find the right food truck?
  • What equipment does a food truck need?
  • How do you earn (a lot of) money with a food truck and what are the advantages and disadvantages of different sources of revenues?
  • How do you strategically develop a sustainably successful food truck concept?
  • How do you develop a product that everyone wants?
  • How do you design a product range?
  • How do you calculate the right price?
  • How does efficient marketing for food trucks work online and offline?
  • How do you find suitable staff who inspire customers?
  • How do the processes in and around the food truck work and how can they be optimized?
  • How do you improve customer perception?
  • How can you constantly improve your concept?
  • What is high service quality and how do you implement it?
  • What typical mistakes should you avoid?
  • How can you make your everyday life as a food trucker more effective and efficient?
  • How do you deal with and master difficult situations?
  • How do you achieve a good work-life balance with a food truck?
  • and many more ...
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